The Mark Elliott Motley Foundation, Inc. is a private foundation founded in 2002 by Ronald L. Motley, Esq. to help meet the needs of his community and to honor the memory of his son. A Board of Directors governs the foundation under the laws of the state of South Carolina. Grants generally are limited to tax-exempt public charities located in Charleston, Berkeley and Dorchester Counties of the South Carolina area and focused on improving the health, education and welfare of children and young adults.

Limitations: Grants generally are limited to tax-exempt charities and government agencies demonstrating to have a major impact on assisting children and young adults. No grants are made to individuals and no loans are envisioned to charities.

Board of Directors and Officers:
Ronald L. Motley (1944-2013), Founder
Jennifer Motley Lee, Director, Chairman
William E. Craver, III, Director, President
Jennifer B. Alphonse, Director, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary

Contact: Douglas D. Kugley, President

Mailing address:
The Mark Elliott Motley Foundation, Inc.
c/o Jennifer B. Alphonse
P.O. Box 1014
Charleston, SC 29402



The Mark Elliott Motley Foundation, Inc.

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